Module Printer.Precise_Fcalendar

Precise Fcalendar printer. Seconds are rounded to integers before pretty printing. Default format is %i %T.

type t = Fcalendar.Precise.t

Generic type of a printer.

val fprint : string -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

fprint format formatter x outputs x on formatter according to the specified format.

raises Invalid_argument

if the format is incorrect.

val print : string -> t -> unit

print format is equivalent to fprint format Format.std_formatter

val dprint : t -> unit

Same as print d where d is the default format (see the printer implementations).

val sprint : string -> t -> string

sprint format date converts date to a string according to format.

val to_string : t -> string

Same as sprint d where d is the default format (see the printer implementations).

Parsers from string

val from_fstring : string -> string -> t
val from_string : string -> t

Same as from_fstring d where d is the default format.